Holmes Middle School
2001 E. Kiest Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75216
Roosevelt Schools
The data on this page is representative of the 2-mile radius around the school, as shown in the map above.
Do residents have access to financial services and well-paying jobs?
Communities with the highest scores on this index are more likely to have higher household incomes, more access to banks and credit unions, lower unemployment rates, and greater access to jobs of all types.
Economics Index
Median household income
Poverty rate
Child poverty rate (%)
Total jobs
Jobs earning less than $1,500 a month (%)
Unemployment rate
Youth (ages 16-24) unemployment rate (%)
Banks and credit unions, per 10,000 residents
Payday lending and cash advance businesses, per 10,000 residents
How accessible are ancillary educational services, like quality childcare and afterschool programs, in the community? Have residents completed college?
Communities with the highest scores on this index have greater access to quality early childhood education, more afterschool program capacity, and a greater share of adults with college degrees.
Education Index
Residents with a bachelor's degree
Children ages 3-4 enrolled in school
High-quality, early childcare seats, per 10,000 children between ages 3 and 4
Afterschool program seats, per 10,000 children under age 18
Are families able to access childcare in the community?
Communities with the highest scores on this index are more likely to have a greater share of two-parent households (of households with children) and more access to childcare providers.
Family Index
Two-parent households (%)
Licensed childcare centers, per 10,000 children under age 5
Licensed, affordable childcare centers, per 10,000 children under age 5
Does the community have public amenities? Is the community safe? Are families and businesses secure?
Communities with the highest scores on this index have more public spaces for community members, fewer cost-burdened households, and fewer residential and business vacancies.
Community Index
Number of evictions, per 10,000 residents
Overall business vacancies (%)
Long-term business vacancies (24+ months) (%)
Overall residential vacancies (%)
Long-term residential vacancies (24+ months) (%)
Owner-occupied households that are cost-burdened (%)
Renter-occupied households that are cost-burdened (%)
Adults incarcerated (%)
Juvenile-committed violent crime incidents, per 10,000 residents between ages 16-24
Community and recreation centers, per 10,000 residents
Libraries, per 10,000 residents
Park area (sq mi), per 10,000 residents
Percent of households with access to broadband
Children under 18 with broadband access (%)
Do residents have access to health insurance, medical services, and fresh fruits and vegetables? Are residents healthy?
Communities with the highest scores on this index have more access to health clinics and pharmacies and have a greater share of residents with health insurance. Communities with high Health scores also have longer life expectancies and fewer health issues.